Today I have retired the second of two intro videos I made for the RetroActive series.
While maybe not a big deal to you these mark two big points in the young series' life for me. The first being the first attempt ever at serious video editing and producing my own series and the second retirement marking when I've moved up in technology, popularity, and as the series grows into other sites wanting it exclusive to their site. It has been a crazy ride! On July 4th I will have been doing this for only 4 months, and it is hard to imagine. I've met and worked with several nice people, watched people tell me they love my work, and found I have talents I was not aware of in the slightest. Of course there has been the bad like people telling me I need to shave my ugly facial hair (yeah...) or that I am boring; but even that has been fun!
Here are the two videos and I hope you enjoy them! Thank you so much for watching and your support!
Technically the first video I ever made for RetroActive as it was completed before I ever finished the first episode. Was retired and replaced with one a little more "intense"
Little secret, all the scenes with me talking not only were never filmed for a review but I'm basically saying things like "Here is me talking about something in order to have something for my intro video"
The song is from Kirby's Adventure, the Green Greens theme
Was used one last time on the Gremlins 2 review.
Music is Kirby's Adventure Boss Theme
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