Thursday, May 5, 2011

Wow! Hello there

I know...I haven't updated this in a long time. For those that do read this I am sorry.
Basically a few things have happened that prevented this. First off I became an Admin on RetrowareTV so I was doing lots of editing and posting on there for my own stuff and the other contributors. So double posting on here with a little blogging kinda fell to the wayside. Secondly I've been heavily active in both my solo acoustic music and my new band. Music is my career first and while making these video has become very important to me and I try and combine the two passions from time to time it gets hard to maintain so much.

But the main thing is, I'm not sure what to do here. I'm thinking a new site is in order but no matter what this one needs to be cleaned up. So suggestions are welcome! I've been thinking of new videos I can create on the side and semi quickly that I can post outside of RWTV like I use to as well which would be a good thing for a site like this.

That is all for now!

Friday, January 14, 2011

New videos!

I've been so bad about updating this since all my videos actually have their own page at RetrowareTV now. I need to clean this whole site up and make it more productive.
Anyway! There have been two new videos!

Yeah! So I decided to review a modern game. But I compare the new Wii remake (or Wiimake) of GoldenEye to the classic for N64. 

In this video I basically continue the Ghostbusters Halloween Special and review the Ghostbusters game for Sega Genesis. I got a lot of "Why didn't you review the Genesis game!?" comments when I made my halloween special....WELL HERE IT IS GET OFF MY BACK! I'm just kidding! I was going to get to it eventually. 

Also my awesome title card artist changed her Deviant Art account so now go here and follow her! Tell her she is awesome as well.