Chat Room

members can also access #KDubProductions with any IRC client, mIRC, X-Chat, ircZ, Ircle, Conversation, Colloquy, and more. The server address is port 6667.
I suggest X-Chat 2

To register your nick name with the Server use either you IRC client or the one on this page and type /msg nickserv identify PASSWORD EMAIL
When this is done you will have registered the Nick you are at that time using. You will at this point have to type in /msg nickserv identify PASSWORD
Each time you log in

Then join the chat room /join #KDubProductions

Chat Room Rules!
1. No posting link to full XXX rated porn in the chat. Plenty of members are not of age to legally see such things.

2. Flooding the chat is forbidden this includes but not limited to:
The posting of a single link or several links quickly (or over a long period of time) and without end
Filling one or several line with nothing but smiles
Posting nothing but period or hyphens (etc) and posting them quickly or over a long period of time

3. Bullying is not allowed. We all banter at each other but actual bullying will result in an immediate kick.
-Going with that any gratuitous racial or sexual slander with result in an immediate kick
-Threatening to bring physical harm to any member will bring an immediate kick

4. Do not argue with the Mods over the kick of another member in the chat. If you find it to be a real issue take it to PM.

5. Arguing to the point that no one else can enjoy the conversation is forbidden

6. Please post NSFW or another warning before any links or pictures that could disturb others.

7. Belligerent behavior (that does not necessarily fall under flooding or arguments) that disrupts other members from enjoying the chat, stops the flow of the chat multiple times, or is just a general nuisance is not tolerated.4

8. This is not a dating site please keep your creepy actions in other chat rooms.