Who I Am

Hello readers and video viewers!
Instead of the boring "About me" blogger profile page I thought I'd give you a little more insight.

My name is Kevin if you haven't picked up on that yet. I am 23 years old as I type this out and living in St. Louis. While this blog is about my love for video games, movies, Ghostbusters (favorite movie...duh) and other geeky things my first passion is and always will be music and more specifically percussion. I am a classically trained Percussionist by trade with a major passion for "world" percussion focusing currently on frame drums and Latin percussion. Again as I type this out I have one more month until I officially have a degree in Music Performance. I have also dabbled in recording solo acoustic guitar stuff mostly in the genre of Ska (aka my favorite genre of music) links to all that can be found in the My Other Work page. I won't bore you with a big list of my favorite bands, artists, and other genres; but if you wanna talk music feel free to find a way to talk to me!

There are so many little details I always say it is easier to talk to me and let the book unfold but hey let me see what else I can say here. Speaking of books, my favorite books include but not limited to: The Giver, Brave New World, Harry Potter, Animal Farm, Jedi Apprentice and if you haven't read any of those I really suggest that you give them a look especially The Giver and Brave New World. My favorite game systems will always be my beloved Nintendo stuff I could never part with them. But I grew up more so with a Sega then anything else; I was big Genesis kid for a while and was the first kid I knew to have Sega Channel. I'm also a big food guy and love to cook and even more do experimental cooking. I just got done making a delicious pizza!

If I had to pick a favorite thing to do on a clear warm day it would be sitting out by a pool going between playing Frisbee and strumming on my guitar. But my favorite season is actually Winter; I'm warm blooded and love the cold and LOVE the snow. Any day over 85 is scorching!

Ok I think I have rambled about myself for long enough!

Thanks for reading my blog and watching all my videos;