The Crew

Vee aka Nonagon

Vee is the artist for K Dub Productions creating all of the fancy hand drawn title cards (not to be confused with the ugly photoshop ones by Kevin) and the art used for the JoyPad Podcast. Heading off to college and spending her days being awesome she still finds time to co-host the Podcast.

Check her art work out HERE

Jairus aka Jairus

Jairus is the resident tech junkie even more so then the handsome host. Jairus lends that southern accent to the podcast that all the ladies swoon over and helps when he can make the website code not so awful. As you can see from that awesome picture Jai is a little bit of a Ghostbusters prop buff and makes some very accurate suits and prop parts.

Chris aka RPDOfficer

 While we all obviously play video games I think Chris may spend his time with them the most. Chris adds this knowledge to the Podcast (with a heavy passion), has created the banner you see on the first page and is our on the road liaison spreading the word of RetroActive and JoyPad to the masses at the Conventions he likes to frequent.  If you have met a cool guy dressed as Licker from RE or as Pyro from TF2 good chance it was Chris. If he was talking to you about this site you probably already knew that.